Hello! Welcome to my portfolio my name is Ashlyn Campbell! I love to smile, laugh, and explore. My favorite hobbies are watching great shows, hiking, travelling, and eatting good food. I am dedicated to the technology field and helping my community. This site is a personal project of mine where I display my portfolio, adventures and resources for students to learn about scholarships to Study Abroad. Please check out the Study Abroad Profile section to learn all about my trip to Bali!


My Top Skills


The Good Advisor
The GoodAdvisor is a selection input-based Chatbot created to assist Computer Science students with choosing the correct coursework to take. Picking schedules is hard for anybody, but for CS students it can be difficult to know the best path to take, to effectively prepare for the next one and internships. This way students can map out their four years of college efficiently and intentionally. Students will be prompted with questions to satisfy their user story and have the chance to check off any course they have already taken.
View ProjectASHCALC-The-Calculus-Calculator
Language: Java The ASHCALC is a scientific calculator that can also compute basic algebraic and calculus functions. The calculator has the capabilities to solve standard function derivatives. To initiate the calculator to solve equations click the hamburger menu in the left corner and click solve equation. Otherwise the calculator runs the same as a windows calculator containing a current input section and history.
View Demo View ProjectData Visualization Tech Boot Camp Presentation
I presented this at the first Georgia Community Action Tech Boot Camp for my internship at Georgia Community Action Association. The presentation focused on the story that could be created from data visualization by reviewing the Audits of the 2022 Calendar Year. I read through data stored in Excel utilizing Python's wlrd library in order to create several data sets for the presentation. The data sets were created with Matpotlib and data structures such as lists and dictionaries.
View ProjectWork Experience
Undergraduate Teacher Assistant
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
Aug. 2023 - Present
I provide essential support to an professor teaching an Introduction to Python Programming course by assisting with grading programming assignments, tests, and projects. Additionally, I tutor students in various object-oriented programming topics, algorithms and code quality.
Software Engineer Co-Op
Raytheon Technologies
Westford, MA
Jan. 2023 - Aug. 2023
I significantly improved efficiency of field personnel by developing a Python-based binary file reader and data visualization tool, enabling independent assessment of sensor performance, using scripts to automate routine tasks. Additionally, I optimized the effectiveness of large software systems such as image processing algorithms by designing and executing extensive unit tests in C++, resulting in improved test case generation and enhanced software quality
Data Analytics Intern
Georgia Community Action Association
Decatur, GA
May 2022 - Jan. 2023
I presented a Python-computed data visualization models showcasing organizational performance at the agency's Quarterly Technical Conference, which increased the agency’s data usability for survey-measured data. I also provided essential outcome-based data and reports to the Yearly Impact Report, empowering regional agencies to make informed program planning decisions based on past performance.